Thursday, January 13, 2011

Going from Lethbridge to Kelowna, British Columbia

To get to Kelowna, BC took about 10 hours from Lethbridge, we stayed in a cozy lodge in the middle of town. The day after we drove to Myra- Bellevue Provincial Park, we snow-shoed along the routes and trails, it was really fun. We also tried some cross-country skiing which fun but really tiring. We did that during the morning and after lunch we were going to go skating. I even convinced my mom to join us. It was tough at first but once she got the hang out it she didn’t fall too much. My brother and I kept having races on the ice rink trying to see who could go faster, I won.

There wasn’t too much to do there, because it was winter, but we did go see the “Father Pandosy Mission” which was actually pretty interesting. In the 1960s, the Okanagan Historical Society took on the task of preserving the historic Pandosy Mission site on Benvoulin Road in Kelowna. It was here that Father Pandosy, an Oblate priest, established the first white settlement in the Okanagan Valley in 1859. After we got back to the hotel we all just sat around the fireplace and drank hot chocolate. It was really relaxing and we talked about trip and how we all really enjoyed it. Now all that was left was the drive back home.

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